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State’s tribal gaming generates $7.8 billion in 2014

The California Nations Indian Gaming Association (CNIGA) has released its bi-annual economic impact study produced by Beacon Economics, a premier leader in economic research.

Century old tribal water dispute will be settled soon

A lawsuit that has gone on so long that most of those who initiated it are dead, will be settled very, very soon, possibly this week. For Bo Mazzetti, chairman of the Rincon Band of Mission Indians, that is a bittersweet thing.

Bo Mazzetti re-elected chairman of the Rincon Band

Bo Mazzetti has been re-elected to his fourth term as chairman of the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians with Tishmall Turner, elected to the post of vice chairwoman, serving her first term of tribal council leadership.

Rincon tribe opens first tribal brewery in So Cal

In a San Diego county beer industry that’s growing like Bermuda grass, there’s a new entry, the SR-76 brewery at Harrah’s Southern California Resort in Valley Center.

Burning Man festival

For those of you who do not know what burning man is, it is a MASSIVE art festival that takes place in the Nevada dessert.

Something Inside is Broken

In a nutshell, the central story line of creator Alan Wallace’s Something Inside is Broken tells of the Nisenan people’s encounter with John Sutter in the pre-Gold Rush years of 1840’s central California.

Rincon Firefighters honored as heroes

Firefighter Paramedics James Banister and Scott Ferguson of the Rincon Tribal Fire Department were among those honored last week at the 5th annual Hero Awards, sponsored by the North San Diego Business Chamber. The awards were given at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido.

Rincon invests in military shipping crate manufacturer

The Rincon tribe has joined the Colusa tribe in investing in PRC Composites, a manufacturer of fiberglass shipping crates for military weapons.

Rincon tribe has new environmental director

David Burt has joined the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians as Director of the Environmental Department.

Rincon chairman testifies at state capitol hearing

The California State Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife, chaired by Marc Levine, held a hearing on February 2 on Proposition 1, California’s Water Bond: The Water Quality, Supply & Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014.