Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians
One Government Center Lane
Valley Center, CA 92082
Tel: (760) 749-1051
Fax: (760) 692-1652
CONTACT SECURITY 24 Hours a day: (760) 297-2611
The Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians occupies a 5,000-acre reservation in Valley Center, CA. Established in 1875, the Rincon Band is a sovereign government recognized by the United States of America.
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General Services
Mission Statement
The General Services Department is committed to providing a safe and secure infrastructure on the Rincon Reservation through the Utilities, Housing and Landscape Departments. Our specialized departments maintain Tribal grounds, buildings, housing stock, roads and the Reservation’s water system, ensuring that the Rincon Indian Reservation is the best place to live, work and visit.
Department Overview
The General Services Department is responsible for administering and maintaining several aspects of the Rincon Indian Reservation. General Services is divided into smaller sub-departments to better serve the Tribal membership.
The Housing Department administers the Indian Housing Block Grant, assists the Tribal membership with various housing programs, and ensures the needs of the Tribal members are identified and met whenever possible.
The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the Reservation’s domestic water supply for the Tribal community. In addition, it is the department’s responsibility to assess, maintain and repair all roads on the Reservation.
The Landscaping Department is responsible for maintaining and beautifying all Tribal Government buildings and Tribal grounds.
The General Services Department is committed to providing the Tribal membership with an unparalleled level of promptness and excellence through fairly administered policies and creative program ideas.
Mission Statement
The Landscape Department strives to provide a highly professional landscape service that will achieve a safe and visually pleasing environment for the community. The Landscape Department works in unity with the Fire Chief in removing fire fuel and providing weed abatement for Rincon elders and disabled residents on the Reservation, assisting EPA in removing all invasive species on the reservation, and supporting the Valley Center Road Beautification Program.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Rincon Utilities Department is to provide a safe, reliable, water resource in a manner that respects the natural environment. We strive to provide a reliable Road Program, which maintains the roadways in a safe usable condition that is responsive to Tribal Community needs.
News and Events
College & Career Fair
Rincon Tribal Community: You are Invited to the Connect Rincon Broadband Fair this Saturday 9/21
Rincon Tribal Council
Bo Mazzetti
Joseph Linton
Laurie Gonzalez
John Constantino
Alfonso Kolb Sr.