About the Grant

In April 2020, the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians received a California Tribal Grant for a Tobacco Awareness Project. This 5-year grant is focused on tobacco control and awareness with three main objectives: 1) Implement a voluntary smoke-free home policy, 2) Adopt a policy to regulate smoking around public areas to reduce tobacco litter and secondhand smoke exposure, and 3) Create a youth coalition to spread knowledge about health and environmental concerns regarding commercial tobacco use. While collaborating with neighboring tribal tobacco programs like San Pasqual, La Jolla, and Pala, our goals align with traditional values of uplifting community health as well as youth voices, whose ideas are crucial to ensuring a bright future.

Project Director – Valerie Boyle

[email protected] | 760-803-1687

Community Engagement Coordinator – Anthony Hurtado

[email protected] | 760-317-6328

Smoke-Free Home Program

Smoke-free homes protect your loved ones from the dangers of secondhand and thirdhand smoke from commercial tobacco.

  1. Secondhand smoke is smoke that comes off of a lit cigarette and comes out of the smoker’s mouth and nose.  It contains more than 7,000 chemicals and many are toxic.
  2. Thirdhand smoke is smoke that stays in clothes, hair, walls, furniture, and on the skin of the smoker.  It stays there even after the cigarette is put out. 
  3. More information can be found at https://tobaccofreeca.com/topics/secondhand-smoke/

Here are the guidelines and steps to make your home smoke-free:

  1. Sign a Smoke-Free Home Pledge Card either filled out online and emailed to [email protected] (or print and mailed to the Rincon Government Building).  In return, you will receive a $15 gift card, and a Smoke-Free Home Toolkit.    
  2. Keep all areas within the home smoke-free.
  3. Designate a “smoking area” outside, ideally at least 25 feet from the entrance (if needed).
  4. If somebody within the home smokes, they need to change their clothes afterwards and wash their hands and face. 
  5. Display the “Smoke-Free Zone” sign and window cling where it is visible to guests. 

It’s Never Too Late to Quit Smoking

Commercial tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death among American Indian and Alaska Native populations.  Smoking harms almost every tissue and organ in the body, including your heart and blood vessels. It also harms nonsmokers who are exposed to second and thirdhand smoke.  

Kick It California provides free services to help you quit smoking, vaping, or chew. The highly-trained counselors can help you develop a quitting plan that’s right for you.  Services include telephone counseling, text messaging, mobile apps, Alexa skills, self-help materials, online help and referrals to local programs, and free nicotine patches.     

For more information, go to www.kickitca.org or text Quit smoking to 66819

The American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program offers free and confidential help to quit.  They understand the challenge you face in quitting commercial tobacco and they know the line between commercial and traditional tobacco has blurred.  AICTP offers three programs; phone + online coaching, phone only coaching, or online only coaching.      

For more information, go to https://aiquitline.com or call 1-855-5AI-QUIT (1-855-524-7848)

Join our Youth Coalition

Make a positive change within your community.
Come join our Rincon Tobacco Youth Coalition. Click on the button below for more info.

Give us your feedback, please complete our website satisfaction survey and receive a gift card.