Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians
One Government Center Lane
Valley Center, CA 92082
Tel: (760) 749-1051
Fax: (760) 692-1652
CONTACT SECURITY 24 Hours a day: (760) 297-2611
The Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians occupies a 5,000-acre reservation in Valley Center, CA. Established in 1875, the Rincon Band is a sovereign government recognized by the United States of America.
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Climate Adaptation & Sustainability
Climate change refers to a long-term change in climate patterns attributed to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by human activity. primarily caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas. Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that act like a blanket wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures.
Tribes are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change because of their close dependence on and connection with the natural environment for their culture, health, and livelihoods.
A Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Comprehensive Adaptation Plan are currently being developed for the Rincon Tribe to prepare for, respond to, and protect against climate change impacts (extreme events and harmful environmental trends) on tribal resources, economy, infrastructure, human health, and public safety.
A Joint Energy, Climate, and Sustainable Communities Planning Project is being prepared with other area Tribes to assess and prioritize the tribes’ separate and mutual needs and opportunities for energy, climate, and community sustainability; and conduct advanced planning on the priority strategies selected by each tribe.
Rincon Paves the Way for Climate Action
Southern California is experiencing the effects of climate change in ways such as extreme heat waves, droughts, more dangerous storms, and raging wildfires. The changes are largely driven by increases in greenhouse gases from human activities, where the gases act like a blanket trapping heat around Earth. As more gases are released into the atmosphere by activities like burning fuel and disposing of waste in landfills, more layers of blanket are added, causing more warming and changes to our climate and weather patterns.
The Rincon Tribe is taking the challenge of addressing climate change head-on by developing its first Climate Action Plan. A Climate Action Plan is a roadmap for reducing greenhouse gases and building community resilience to prepare for the impacts of climate change. Ultimately, the Climate Action Plan will establish actions and projects on the Rincon Reservation that will reduce greenhouse gases and build community resilience, while also looking to improve the quality of life for residents, workers, and visitors of the Rincon Reservation. Rincon tribal members will be asked for feedback throughout the planning process to ensure that the Climate Action Plan represents and addresses the Rincon community’s needs and priorities. The Climate Action Plan will continue to be developed throughout 2024.
Developing a Climate Action Plan involves:
The Rincon Climate Action Plan is being funded through the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) Program and will occur of two phases. The first phase will occur between November 2023 and March 2024, in which a “Priority” Climate Action Plan will be developed. The primary goal of this Priority plan is to make the Rincon Tribe eligible for additional grant funding opportunities through the CPRG Program and will highlight high-priority projects that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide community air quality and climate resilience benefits. After the Priority plan is completed, the second phase will begin, which includes the development of a “Comprehensive” Climate Action Plan. The Comprehensive Climate Action Plan will serve as a long-term roadmap to reduce greenhouse gases through projects and programs that can provide value to the Rincon community.
Individuals also have the power to reduce their climate change impact by making mindful choices in their daily lives. This includes using energy-efficient appliances at home, choosing eco-friendly transportation options, and reducing waste through practices like recycling and reusing. Being conscious consumers by supporting companies with strong environmental values also makes a difference. Together, these simple yet impactful choices contribute to building a more sustainable and resilient future.
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Camille Merchant
Camille Merchant
Environmental Director
One Government Center Lane
Valley Center, CA 92082
[email protected]
Rincon Environmental Department Links
Water Quality
Solid Waste Management
Report an Environmental Hazard
Air Quality
Endangered Species and Habitat Protection
Oak Trees and Invasive Species
Education & Outreach
Rincon C.A.R.E.S
Climate Adaptation & Sustainability
Rincon Tribal Council
Bo Mazzetti
Joseph Linton
Laurie Gonzalez
John Constantino
Alfonso Kolb Sr.
News and Events
College & Career Fair
Rincon Tribal Community: You are Invited to the Connect Rincon Broadband Fair this Saturday 9/21