Rincon Virtual Earth Day

Welcome to the Virtual Earth Day event page, where every day is Earth Day!

Come learn environmental, cultural, and historical information about the Rincon Reservation by watching twelve educational video clips. Download educational brochures and test your knowledge with fun quizzes!

These videos were made possible through funding from three grants; the US Environmental Protection Agency Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (GAP) grant, the Clean Water Act (CWA) grant, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) grant.

Click the links below to view videos focused on three topics: water, living things, and resources:

Click to enter | Videos funded by U. S. EPA Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 106 Water Pollution Control Program grant
Click to enter | Videos funded by Bureau of Indian Affairs grant
Click to enter | Videos funded by U. S. EPA General Assistance Program grant


Print the Brochure from here

Special Thanks To…

Supporting Agencies
US Environmental Protection Agency and Bureau of Indian Affairs for providing funding to make this virtual event possible.
Rincon Tribal Council, Rincon Tribal Members and Rincon Reservation Residents, Staff from USDA Forest Service, USDA Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC), Tierra Data Inc., KRS Environmental Consulting, who all kindly donated their time for interviews.
Film Crew
Condor Visual Media for their technical and creative expertise in making these videos a reality.

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